

I’ve always had a solitary side. I’m talkative and balance an introverted side with an extroverted one. But for most of my life I’ve lived alone. Why? Solitudes explores this question.

I’ve experienced many of my happiest moments when alone. Other times I have longed for companionship and have found it in many forms. But inspiration visits in solitude. I've come to see being alone as all-embracing and expansive, encompassing seeming opposites: light and dark, absence and presence, sad and happy. It is here that I open my heart.

These images were born in the calm moments given to me.

< Opening to Existence

  Only They See the Horizon

Only They See the Horizon

  Not Quite

Not Quite

  Sometimes It's Like This

Sometimes It's Like This

  Dreams of You

Dreams of You

  I Remembe r

I Remember

  Au Revoir

Au Revoir

  Not Yet

Not Yet

  Above Only Sky

Above Only Sky

  Down There Things Count

Down There Things Count





  Yes, Again

Yes, Again

